2023 Barry Prize for Distinguished Intellectual Achievement

The Barry Prize for Distinguished Intellectual Achievement is the Academy’s premier recognition of excellence in scholarship. This prestigious annual prize, open to scholars across diverse fields and disciplines, honors those whose work has made outstanding contributions to humanity’s knowledge, appreciation, and cultivation of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Recipients are nominated by the members of the Academy and appointed by the board of directors. Winners of the Barry Prize receive a cash award and also become members of the Academy.

The 2023 Barry Prize winners pose with Zimmer Medal recipient Sir Salman Rushdie and other friends

The 2023 Barry Prizes were awarded to:

Robert P. George

Princeton University

Jonathan D. Haidt

New York University

Svetlana Y. Jitomirskaya

University of California - Berkeley

Steven E. Koonin

New York University

Anna I. Krylov

University of Southern California

Jon D. Levenson

Harvard University

Josiah Ober

Stanford University

Ruth L. Okediji

Harvard University

Orlando Patterson

Harvard University

Candace A. Vogler

University of Chicago