Award Winners

Anna I. Krylov

University of Southern California

The prize citation for Dr. Krylov’s 2023 Barry Prize reads:

As a theoretical and computational quantum chemist whose description of the electronic properties of molecules impacts bioimaging, solar energy and quantum information science, Anna Krylov has advanced our ability to describe some of the most basic material building blocks of our world. Her eminent technical achievements are matched by her spirited professional investments in mentoring and collaboration, dissemination of scientific knowledge to wider audiences, and advocacy for those seeking opportunity in the natural sciences. The Academy honors Dr. Krylov’s distinguished contribution to and promulgation of humanity’s insight into the secrets of the material universe.

Anna I. Krylov is a USC associates chair in natural sciences and a professor of chemistry at the University of Southern California. Born and raised in Donetsk, Ukraine, Krylov received her M.Sc. from Moscow State University (1990) and her Ph.D. from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1996, with Benny Gerber). Following postdoctoral training at the University of California, Berkeley, she joined USC’s chemistry department in 1998. Krylov’s research is focused on theoretical and computational quantum chemistry. She develops theoretical methods and software for open-shell and electronically excited species, including metastable states. Her methods are used in spectroscopy modeling, energy research and quantum information science.

November 2023