Academy Members

See below for a list of all Academy members. Membership in the Academy is a recognition of distinguished contributions to human learning.

Use the search function to find an individual member, or the buttons to see our board members or our award winners.

Susan C. Alberts

Duke University

Danielle Allen

Harvard University

William Allen

Michigan State University, Emeritus

Akhil Reed Amar

Yale University

Gary A. Anderson

University of Notre Dame

Clifford Ando

University of Chicago

Daniel Asia

University of Arizona

Leora Batnitzky

University of Chicago

Peter Berkowitz

Stanford University

Marianne Bertrand

University of Chicago

Jay Bhattacharya

Stanford University

Clifford P. Brangwynne

Princeton University

Arthur C. Brooks

Harvard University

Alex Byrne

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Brandice Canes-Wrone

Stanford University

Paolo G. Carozza

University of Notre Dame

Arul M. Chinnaiyan

University of Michigan

Margaret Chisolm

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Nicholas A. Christakis

Yale University

J. Christopher Clemens

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Brian Conrad

Stanford University

Judith A. Curry

Georgia Institute of Technology

Percy Deift

New York University

Jennifer A. Doudna

University of California-Berkeley